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FedEx Phishing Email In Circulation

If you’ve recently received an Email from FedEx with a subject that reads “FedEx Agent FileForm 22680364502YS2″ or is a variant of this topic line, do not click on any links or attachments contained in the message, as it’s a phishing Email that could lead to a computer virus.

Copy Of FedEx Filtered Email

Copy Of FedEx Filtered Email

The Email prompts recipients to fill out an attached “AgentFile Form” that’s said to replace the “paper SED” form which is no longer required by the Government. They further instruct recipients to fax the form or to contact them by phone or fax. The Email is closed, “Thank you for choosing FedEx, Manifesting Ops Asst.; FedEx Express; EEI Department/AES Processing and lists an address in Memphis, Tennessee.

The FedEx phishing attempt is one of many currently in circulation during the busy holiday season. Other phishing attempts include Emails that purported to be sent from the BBB, UPS, Delta Airlines and the CIA. If you get a suspicious Email from any of these senders, take extra care not to click on attachments or links provided in them and delete them from your inbox as soon as possible.

Since ECommerce is highly relied upon during the busy holiday season, fraudsters are looking for the easiest ways to trick consumers into clicking on virus filled attachments or bad links via Email. This is especially troublesome for small or medium sized businesses that have multiple employees using their mail system or accessing the internet. One inadvertent click from any employee on a corporate network could put the entire computer network at risk of sharing sensitive information with intruders.

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About Heather

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  1. [...] reports of fraudulent phishing Email scams being sent from a variety of forged sources, including FedEx, the CIA, Delta Airlines, and UPS - just to name a [...]