USB Drive Encryption Protects Your Stored Data
If you’re the type of person that uses USB flash drives to store data like files, photographs, music or other critical data, you don’t want to overlook the importance of protecting the data in the event that it’s ever lost, misplaced or stolen.
One way to assure that your critical data files stored on removable media remain safe when not in your physical possession is by using 128 bit encryption to set access permissions.
Long story made short, unless you’ve granted the person that has physical possession of the USB drive the ‘key’ to access the information stored on it, they won’t be able to plug the media in and just start downloading it to their local machine.
While this might seem like a trifling detail, it could actually be the difference between exposing whatever personal information is being stored on the device and keeping it away from prying eyes or having a data breach on your hands.
USB Drive Encryption Protects Intellectual Property
Artists might use a USB thumb drive to store the first draft of their novel in progress, musical tracks or their photography. If encryption isn’t being used, this information could be ‘leaked’ to the general public and result in your work being copied or released without your permission, causing intellectual property loss.
Encrypted USB Sticks Protect Medical Records
Medical professionals that don’t use USB drive encryption to protect personally identifiable information such as patient records, diagnostic test results, billing and insurance information and other PII run deeper risks of HIPAA non-compliance in the event that a USB drive is lost or stolen. This has a larger financial risk, because penalties for HIPAA breaches can cost as much as a million and half dollars, a steep price to pay for any healthcare organization to pay out for using unprotected USB sticks to store critical data.
Luckily for both artists and health care professionals alike, an encryption solution that’s affordable and easy to use is now available, so you can start protecting your intellectual property and patient records immediately. To learn more about a SaaS based solution to protect your USB drives, please visit MostHost Encryption today.