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Laptop Thefts Reign In Police Blotters

By in Internet Security, Mobile, Mobile Security

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Laptop thefts happen all the time everywhere.

Police Reports Are Filled With Stolen Laptops

All you need to do is a quick Google News search to find published police blotters to see how prevalent this crime really is. Here are a few snippets from various reporting agencies in *recent news:

Huntsville, Alabama -  A home  was burglarized between 5:30 and 8:45 p.m. Sunday. A PlayStation 3 game system, a laptop computer, a Verizon hotspot and $2,500 in cash were stolen.

Howard County, Baltimore - Between 3:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Oct. 22, an unknown number of suspects forced open a sliding glass door and entered a residence,  stealing two laptops and a video game system.

Altadena, California - Between 9:45 PM and 10:22 PM – A residential burglary. Suspect(s) entered the residence by breaking the deadbolt from the door. Loss: black Lenvo 15” laptop, black HP 15” monitor, gray Direct TV receiver.

Los Angeles, California - 1.  Residential burglary. 7:15 to 10:20 p.m. Oct. 14. Entry through an open window. The location was ransacked. A laptop computer was reported stolen.  2. Theft. 5 p.m. Oct. 11 to 3:30 p.m. Oct. 16, Laptop computers were reported stolen from an open office.

These reports show that laptop computers and other electronics remain a popular target for thieves because they are easily portable and they retain value in the shady aftermarket. It also proves that your laptop computer is never safe from being stolen, even if it’s in your own home.

Laptop computers that aren’t equipped with laptop security measures can easily be resold or pawned for quick cash, but smart Laptop computer owners that have pre-installed laptop security can stop a cash strapped thief dead in his tracks AND get his laptop computer returned to him using the right solution that allows him/her to remotely lock down the laptop computer(s) so it can’t be used by unauthorized people. This protects your sensitive data, such as your Email contact list, personal photographs, sensitive files and other information from falling into the wrong hands and exploiting any kind of data stored on the laptop computer.

Other features that a fully functional laptop security program should provide  include a device scream that makes the laptop computer difficult to handle, it should be able to take a picture from the built in webcam that identifies who the culprit is, it should provide a lock screen that urges the finder to return it to the rightful owner. Other important software features include IP tracking that allows you to identify the specific IP address your laptop is being used from and GPS tracking to give you an approximate location of the laptop computer as well as a satellite photo of the suspected location of your computer.

As they say in football, “the best defense is a good offense” and this rings true as it pertains to protecting your  laptop computer (or computers.)

If you’re looking for an affordable solution to securing your laptop computer, we can help! We invite you to sign up for a no obligation, Free 7 day trial on laptop security services to protect yourself in the case of laptop loss or theft.

*Victim address/locations removed.

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