If you’ve ever read police blotters undoubtedly you’ve saw numerous reports of people having their laptops stolen from their homes, cars and public places. Whether these laptop computers were taken by brute force or because an opportunity presented itself to a thief, a laptop security solution put in place before a theft occurs gives you the upper hand...
Read MoreAs companies deploy fleets of smartphones and/or laptops computers to mobilize their workforce, more workers are now using these mobile devices to complete important tasks related to their jobs. But along with the flexibility of being able to work remotely from a laptop or Smartphone comes the danger that this device, which has access to critical company or...
Read MoreIf you’re in the business of renting laptop computers, you know all of the things that can go wrong when a rental agreement sours. In the best case scenario, your renter returns your company’s laptop computer, but we know that oftentimes it isn’t that simple. Extenuating circumstances like loss or theft might be to blame or your renter might not be...
Read MoreIf you’re like many of us, you’ve used a library, restaurant, coffee shop or an airport terminal to access the internet using your laptop or mobile device. These public access points are great - providing convenience to web surfers - and easy targets for thieves. You can easily picture how the theft happens. A visitor leaves their unattended...
Read MoreIt’s amazing just how casual many people seem to be concerning their tablet, smartphone, or laptop, considering how devastating a loss of theft of the device could be to them. Lots of people contain unreal amounts of data and information on these devices, which can be incredibly damaging if they fall into the wrong hands. The problem of stolen phones has been...
Read MoreLet’s take a look at the many advantages of protecting mobile and laptop security devices. These days, people losing smartphones or laptops are facing a very big problem because of the wealth of information contained on the portable devices. Everything is stored today on mobile devices, which creates a serious vector for data breaches. Luckily, mobile security...
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