Web Security Advantages And Benefits
Web Security with URL content filtering is a way to increase the security of any network by creating policies that determine access. Web security is easy to implement and manage using a simple control panel.
Why would an organization consider installing web security?
Many organizations these days are installing web security with URL content filtering due to concerns over compliance issues. Cloud based web security is essentially like having a firewall in the cloud, which can eliminate most major threats from your network.
Threats to network security are growing
Each day, the volume of phishing attempts and their intensity seems to grow. Employees at company networks are often the targets. Why? Because a data breach on a corporate network can help a criminal enterprise strike ‘pay dirt’ in a variety of ways.
Security breaches are common, even for large organizations like Citigroup, who have many protocols in place to defend their assets. Even they suffer breaches which result in lawsuits, despite their best efforts. Imagine how it is for the majority of smaller organizations out there?
Web security doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, it’s as simple as downloading a small client and using a control panel to set rules. You can update the rules whenever you want, to ensure you’re providing a ‘real world’ experience for your employees. Flexibility is built in.
Let’s use the example of Facebook.com. It might be totally appropriate for Joe to be able to access Facebook because he’s in charge of social media for your company. But Sally is not tasked with such duties and has been known to ‘goof off’ during office hours by playing Apps on Facebook. You have many options to configure this situation however you want.
You can limit their surfing that site by hours, or you can just cut off App access, knowing that Sally will probably get back to work if she can’t play her favorite games. The key is, the power is yours and the ball is back in your court! You can limit access by hours, file types, URLs, you name it!
Web security is an affordable option to help increase your network security. To get a no-obligation free quote on web security services, please click here.