'Urgent Information From BBB' - Email Alert - MostHost Cloud Hosting Blog

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‘Urgent Information From BBB’ - Email Alert

By in Business, Email, Internet Security

Attention Business Owners and Managers!

If you’re in the process of sorting out your incoming Email messages from over the weekend, be sure not to fall prey to a fraudulent message that purports to be sent on behalf of the Better Business Bureau.

The subject line of the questionable Email says ‘Urgent Information From BBB‘ and is ‘signed’ by a Abijah Barton.

Fake BBB Complaint Email

Fake BBB Complaint Email

The full text reads:

Attn: Owner/Manager

Here with the Better Business Bureau notifies you that we have received a complaint (ID 520542690)
from one of your customers with respect to their dealership with you.

Please open the COMPLAINT REPORT below to obtain more information on this matter and let us know of your point of view as soon as possible.

We are looking forward to your prompt reply.

Abijah Barton

As you can see in the provided image, the sender has provided one link for you to open the “Complaint Report” but if you hover over it (don’t click!) you’ll see that it actually resolves to a .co.jp domain name and not BBB.org address.

Long story made short, delete this message immediately and don’t click on the link, otherwise the only person that will be ‘complaining’ will be you when your computer starts messing up.

I hope this post helps you avoid making the mistake of falling for this bad Email! Thanks for reading and have a great day!