If you’ve recently booked a flight - or not - that departs from Washington, DC. be sure not to fall for a recent Email hoax that purports to be sent from [email protected]and alleges the Email message contains your Online Reservation Details.
Hoax US Airways Email
The message reads in it’s entirety:
You can check in from 24 hours and up to 60 minutes before your flight (2 hours if you’re flying internationally). Then, all you need to do is print your boarding pass and proceed to the gate.
Confirmation code: 328444
Check-in online: Online reservation details
Flight: 9291
Departure city and time: Washington, DC (DCA) 10:00PM
Depart date: 9/13/2012 We are committed to protecting your privacy. Your information is kept private and confidential. For information about our privacy policy visit usairways.com.
US Airways, 111 W. Rio Salado Pkwy, Tempe, AZ 85281 , Copyright US Airways , All rights reserved.
It’s worth noting that there are variations of this message that provide a different Flight Number, so even if this doesn’t match exactly you should still be cautious.
If you hover over the “Online Reservation Detail” link you’ll notice that this link doesn’t actually resolve to a US Airways website, instead directing you to a website that isn’t related to them at all. While the “Privacy” link appears to resolve US Airways, it’s probably not a good idea to click on this link either.
To make a long story short, if you get this message immediately delete it from your inbox to avoid these link infiltrating your computer system and exposing security holes.
If you found this message helpful, I ask that you kindly share it with your friends and family so that they can keep their computer systems secure.
‘Confirm Your US Airways Online Reservation’ - Email Alert
Posted by Heather in Email, Internet Security
If you’ve recently booked a flight - or not - that departs from Washington, DC. be sure not to fall for a recent Email hoax that purports to be sent from [email protected] and alleges the Email message contains your Online Reservation Details.
Hoax US Airways Email
The message reads in it’s entirety:
You can check in from 24 hours and up to 60 minutes before your flight (2 hours if you’re flying internationally). Then, all you need to do is print your boarding pass and proceed to the gate.
Confirmation code: 328444
Check-in online: Online reservation details
Flight: 9291
Departure city and time: Washington, DC (DCA) 10:00PM
Depart date: 9/13/2012
We are committed to protecting your privacy. Your information is kept private and confidential. For information about our privacy policy visit usairways.com.
US Airways, 111 W. Rio Salado Pkwy, Tempe, AZ 85281 , Copyright US Airways , All rights reserved.
It’s worth noting that there are variations of this message that provide a different Flight Number, so even if this doesn’t match exactly you should still be cautious.
If you hover over the “Online Reservation Detail” link you’ll notice that this link doesn’t actually resolve to a US Airways website, instead directing you to a website that isn’t related to them at all. While the “Privacy” link appears to resolve US Airways, it’s probably not a good idea to click on this link either.
To make a long story short, if you get this message immediately delete it from your inbox to avoid these link infiltrating your computer system and exposing security holes.
If you found this message helpful, I ask that you kindly share it with your friends and family so that they can keep their computer systems secure.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!
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