‘Signal LinkedIn Mail’ - Email Alert
Good morning and happy Tuesday!
If you’re just checking your Email Inbox, be on the lookout for a message that purports to be sent from LinkedIn regarding an ‘Invitation Reminder’ as this is likely a phishing Email that’s designed to try and fool you.
The subject of the hoax Email is titled ‘Signal LinkedIn Mail‘ and contains a brief message that’s similar to the following:
Invitation reminders:
• From Andrea Cooper (Vice President of Business Development at Fannie)
• There are a total of 23 messages awaiting your response. Visit your InBox now.
Don’t want to receive email notifications? Adjust your message settings.
LinkedIn values your privacy. At no time has LinkedIn made your email address available to any other LinkedIn user without your permission. © 2012, LinkedIn Corporation.
The sender provides 3 bogus links for recipients to click on, but if you hover over them (don’t click!) you’ll see the provided URL’s have nothing to do with LinkedIn.
Long story made short - delete this message immediately!
If you’re looking for a way to eliminate these types of Emails from being delivered to your business or Organization, we can help! Please fill out the following form and a representative will be in contact with you shortly.
Thanks for reading and have a fabulous Spam free day!