The holidays are a great time of the year for family, friends and good cheer. With all the festivities, social engagements and shopping, it's a great time to catch up with those we care about the most.
Unfortunately, the busy holiday season is also a prime time for Email scammers to try trick unsuspecting Email recipients to click on fraudulent Emails that could contain links to bad websites or virus infected attachments. In just the last few weeks there have been reports of numerous phishing Email scams circulating on the Internet. These malicious messages purported to be sent from reputable businesses and organizations such as the FDIC, the Better Business Bureau, FedEx, the CIAÂ and Delta Airlines.
If a recipient of these tainted mails makes the mistake of clicking on something they shouldn't have, they run the risk of infecting their computer or installing other types of malware that could put their computer network in jeopardy.
It's easy to see how using Email security software can really pay off, especially for businesses that have multiple Email users on their system. Email security is used to analyze and filter all incoming Email for known viruses, bad links, Spam and other internet threats using multiple detection engines. Emails that are suspected to be Spam or contain viruses are quarantined remotely in cloud infrastructure, so users on your mail system can't cause a network emergency by clicking on a bad link or attachment. A report gives IT managers a list of all "held" mail to review and he/she can decide if the Email should be delivered.
Businesses that implement an Email security software program are smart because they know the impact that an infected computer network can have on their operations. Although it might sound like a complicated process, the evolution of cloud technologies offers an affordable, flexible SaaS Email security solution for businesses and organizations of all sizes - without the need for special hardware or appliances.
If you're interested in removing Email threats from your companies inbox, there's never been a better time than now! Our special promotion - good through December 31, 2011 - you can get 6 months free on Email or Web Security services so you won't have to worry about these threats this time next year!
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Liane Markus
December 14, 2011
With the reminder that you have stated here on your post, I am sure many will really be aware of the changes that had happened. I am sure that this will serve as a guide and update which will help them with it when it comes to email security.
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