The End Of The Year Is A Great Time To Backup Your Website

Posted on: December 27th, 2011 by Heather 3 Comments

With the end of 2011 approaching fast, it's a good time to reflect on the hard work, struggles and triumphs of the year.


Cloud Backup Services

Cloud Backup Services

In addition to reflection, it's also the perfect time for website owners to take a few moments to backup their computers, servers and website information to save an updated copy of all the additions and modifications that you've made to your website over the past few months - or maybe even the past year if you haven't been in the habit of backing up your servers on a regular basis.


With many people distracted with holiday celebrations, shopping and other engagements, overall internet traffic is likely to be a little slower during the lull between Christmas and the New Year.  This 'off-time' presents an opportunity for webmasters and site owners to quietly take care of website maintenance and other technical tasks behind the scenes without causing connectivity issues to website visitors. It also helps keep all of the valuable work that you've put into your website in a backup format so in the event that you need to recover your website or web server, you don't have to revert to an outdated version.


If you're looking for a backup solution, please visit and check out our cloud based backup solutions.


3 Responses

  1. Liane Markus

    December 28, 2011

    Brilliant idea as well! As for now I just want to relax, and the very next day after the year end, I will back-up my site. Thanks for sharing it!
    Liane Markus recently posted..VZ 58My Profile

  2. Heather

    December 28, 2011

    I’m happy that you found it helpful, Liane. Have a happy and safe New Year!

    • Liane Markus

      December 29, 2011

      Thanks Heather! you too, hope that you will have a prosperous and a happy new year! Do not be depressed OK! Regards to your family!
      Liane Markus recently posted..Baby EagleMy Profile


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