Suffering From Recent Search Engine Changes? Perhaps It’s Time To Start Something New
This week has been one filled with a chock full of changes for web publishers around the world. A major search engine has implemented a number of changes to their algorithm that have affected traffic patterns to numerous web publishers that once flourished in free traffic.
As the great Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said, “The only constant is change.”
If your website has suffered from traffic loss due to the recent tweaks made from those that control uncaring, unfeeling computer programs, perhaps it’s a good time to think about what you can do to change your fate and not focus on the real or perceived losses that you’ve endured.
While I don’t consider myself - or claim to be - a search engine ‘expert’ or ‘insider’ here are a few things that might be worth considering if you find yourself feeling bad about the current state of your website and you want to fix your situation.
- Don’t Overreact Day One - Human nature has always been to be reactionary to a situation, especially if it’s something that you consider ‘bad.’ Just because you’re experiencing a rough patch doesn’t mean that it has to last forever. Case in point, a guy that spends his last dollar on a lottery ticket and wins big. Was he poor or is he rich? You can still change the path you’re on, even if things are looking bleak at the moment.
- Don’t Be Paralyzed By Fear - Although it might seem like a good idea to keep your eyes glued to your stats program and watch the train wreck happen before you, you’d be better off keeping busy doing ANY other work that can pay off. Whether it’s cleaning your garage or working on an alternative website, anything is better than feeling low about what just conspired.
- Start A New Project - Breaking up is never easy to do, but sometimes a new project - like a new love interest - can put a spring in your step again. If your 8 year old website has taken a hit, perhaps it’s a good time to buy a brand new domain and get a fresh start.
- Design A Different Kind Of Website - If you’ve been using the same webhost and the same website building software for as long as you can remember, maybe there’s a chance that it’s played out. It’s worth noting that popular publishing platforms such as WordPress are responsible for the addition of over 100,000 new blogs to the Internet every day, so competition in the blogging arena is getting fiercer every day.
- Don’t Forget There Are Other Ways To Get Traffic - While you may find it hard to believe, there are many other ways to build traffic to your website than just through one primary search engine. Hopefully you already know about other destinations like Bing, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, Stumbleupon, Pinterest and other places that can send interested visitors to your website. There really isn’t just one game in town anymore - use that to your advantage!
- Don’t Overlook The Technical Side Of Things - If you really feel that you have to ‘fix’ what’s broken at your current site, take your emotion out of it. Technical factors such as Site Speed and load times could be affecting your rankings. If it takes 3 minutes to pull your site due to slow loading ads, don’t be surprised if visitors (and search engines) abandon your website in a hurry.
- Consider Upgrading The Server You’re Hosted On - It’s no secret that there is a major migration to cloud based infrastructure taking place these days, so if your website is hosted on a old and outdated server a simple upgrade to a cloud based hosting plan could be a step in the right direction for you. By using the latest technology available you can quickly move to the front of the class by showing a bit of initiative and ‘forward’ thinking.
- Get A Breath Of Fresh Air - Sometimes it’s difficult to see clearly when you’re in the thick of things. It might be a good idea to walk away from your computer for an hour or two to gain a fresh perspective and formulate a new approach, whether it be something I’ve suggested or you come up with on your own.
The most important thing to remember is that the only way you lose the game is by not playing.
Now more than ever, search engines want web publishers to adapt with the changes that Internet 2012 brings. If you can change your mindset, you can change your future, so why not try something new? I mean, what do you have to lose - a website that’s already taken a hit and isn’t performing at top levels?
I hope that you found this post helpful and inspirational in a time of doubt, and hope that you’ll take a moment to share it with others that might be feeling a bit down about their online business today.
As my beloved grandmother always told me, ‘when God closes a door, he opens a window’ and I’m a firm believer that there are always opportunities in the midst of great tragedies. What you decide to do with them is up to you..