Email Archiving Solutions For Business Help You Meet Compliance Requirements
Did you know that if you aren’t using an Email Archiving Solution as part of your overall business strategy you could be leaving yourself open to liabilities associated with lawsuits?
It’s true. All businesses that use Email as a method to communicate with customers, clients, business associates and vendors are governed by regulations set forth in FRCP - or the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. These regulations mandate that any entity that can be named in a civil lawsuit - either as a plaintiff or defendant - must be able to provide electronic documents such as email, instant messages, or calendar files, and traditional documents stored electronically for timely search and retrieval in the event of litigation proceedings. Additionally, these documents must be provided and maintained in their original format.
If you’re unable to produce requested documents due to accidental deletion, misplacement or any other reasons before the deadline, you could be subject to fines and penalties. Ultimately, being unable to produce documents for legal discovery could also result in you losing the civil case, even if you were in the right.
Cloud based Email archiving solutions give you everything you need to meet compliance requirements without the need for expensive hardware or appliance installations. By choosing a SaaS cloud Email archiving you’re simplifying the process and reducing storage needs on your own local network and computers. Since all Email is stored in cloud infrastructure, it also reduces risks associated with losing data because of computer theft, hardware failure or natural disasters such as fires or flooding.
This affordable solution allows users to “tag” Email correspondences for easier search and grouping capabilities, making it easy to use and effective for purposes outlined in Federal regulations such as FRCP, HIPAA and SOX so you can rest easy at night knowing that you have your bases covered.
If you’d like to implement an Email archiving solution for your business or Organization, you can request a no-obligation quote for Email archiving services by clicking here.