Blogging Remains An Excellent Way To Drive Traffic And Awareness - MostHost Cloud Hosting Blog

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Blogging Remains An Excellent Way To Drive Traffic And Awareness

By in Social Media

Blogging for dollars is nothing new.  People have been doing it for corporations for years, and many bloggers make a living just from producing content.  Over the years the realm of blogging has changed immensely.  Many people abandoned blogs for the greener pastures of micro-blogging platforms like Twitter.  It makes sense.  You can write much shorter posts and link to newsworthy material easily.  However, giving up on blogging is short-sighted.

Blogging Is Fun And Effective

Blogging Is Fun And Effective

A blog can serve multiple functions.  It helps you educate and inform.  You can also communicate with potential clients and help explain your products and services. In essence, there really is no downside to blogging.  Sure, it takes a bit of time to blog, but the rewards are worth it.

Google has always been fond of blogs.  Blogging delivers the type of fresh content that web surfers love, so blog posts tend to be indexed quickly.  Blog posts also integrate well with social media marketing.  People on social media websites like Twitter and Facebook are happy to click on links to blog posts, provided it’s on a subject that interests them.  If you keep feeding people information they want, you’ll quickly create awareness.  If you can follow that up with engagement, you’re on your way to creating a mutually beneficial relationship.

Blogging also shows people you’re knowledgeable about a subject, and that you’re willing to work.  Maintaining a blog for any length of time takes dedication.  As your archive builds up, your traffic tends to move up too.  Many people abandon blogs before they reach a level where the traffic levels are high enough to motivate them to continue working.  When you set out on a new blogging project, make sure you’re realistic about how much time it takes to get a blog moving in the right direction.  Give yourself at least six months to see serious results.  And don’t forget, that will only be true as long as you also consistently do the social media marketing work necessary to distribute your content.

If you’re willing to put in the time and effort, blogging is bound to reward you.  At first you might feel like nobody’s listening, but as time passes you’ll see that quite a few people actually end up at your blog, especially if you’ve been diligent about social media marketing.  Whether you can turn that traffic into sustainable revenue remains up to your strategy, but it’s a good bet that an active blog will end up being a source of additional revenue and leads.

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