Knowledge Base/Cloud Email Security/Cloud Email Encryption

Advantages Of Cloud Email Encryption

Darren McLaughlin
posted this on July 04, 2011 13:44

Using the cloud for email encryption is a great idea for companies and organizations alike that have decided upon implementing email encryption as another means of protecting their corporate email.  At MostHost, we offer MXSweep email encryption to our customers because it offers these extremely strong advantages:

  • Users can secure their sensitive email messages and attachments
  • The process simplifies secure collaboration
  • You are allowed to streamline existing business processes into a much simpler one
  • Cloud based email encryption allows you to prevent data loss via email
  • The administrator can ensure that only authorized recipients can access secure information
  • The administrator can manage time sensitive information in real-time and enforce a data embargo
  • Audit disclaimer acceptance and satisfy compliance laws
  • A simple web interface that allows for a simple end user experience
  • There's no cost for recipients to send and receive encrypted data
As you can tell, we're excited about our Cloud Email Encryption offer.