Back in the day, being a web designer was something that required substantial knowledge about web design programs such as Adobe Dreamweaver, Microsoft FrontPage or NetObjects Fusion, but with the introduction of Software as a Service - commonly referred to as SaaS - the future of web design is making a major move towards cloud infrastructure. Back when...
Read MoreLet’s face it. Technology has really changed the way businesses operate and in a lot of ways this is better - especially as it relates to phone services. Just twenty years ago phone systems were still relatively old fashioned and smaller businesses that wanted to provide toll-free numbers and a professional phone system to callers could expect to pay...
Read MoreThe term ‘cloud hosting’ which is basically a derivative of ‘cloud computing‘ is confusing to many people. Both terms are marketing ones essentially, which evoke general feelings of confusion to many consumers and businesses alike. However, both describe ways of looking at web hosting and IT infrastructure that are extremely important. The...
Read MoreBacking up important files securely to the cloud is a great way to ensure you don’t lose data. The amount of data that people collect these days is truly impressive. Not only that, but a lot of its very important, especially if you’re running a business. In the past it was difficult to find a secure cloud backup system that was designed specifically...
Read MoreArchiving email may seem to be a luxury to some organizations, when in reality the practice should be considered essential for survival. Even if you’re in an industry that isn’t directly regulated when it comes to email security and compliance, you still probably need to archive records of your email. If you’re dealing with customers and vendors,...
Read MoreIT people around the world are learning the advantages of implementing cloud email hosting and SaaS security. Hosting your email on the cloud has distinct advantages over traditional alternatives, especially for your IT department. Security and compliance can be achieved using SaaS in a manner that is extremely efficient. Not only that, but cloud-based solutions are...
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